- Where did you grow up? I grew up in New Jersey.
- What high school did you attend? I went to Freehold High School.
- What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school? I really enjoyed participating in a forensics club with my friends.
- Why did you come to UT? The great CS education!
- Why are you majoring in CS? After I took a programming class in high school, I became really interested in it and started doing projects/studying on my own.
- Why are you in this class? My goal is to get better at C++ and pointers, as well as learn important object-oriented programming concepts that could be useful on the job.
- What are your expectations of this class? I’m expecting to learn a lot about coding/object-oriented programming best practices and improve my problem solving skills through the HackerRank exercises.
- How much C/C++ do you already know? I used some in my architecture and OS classes, but we didn’t use STL functions for those classes, so not that much.
- How did you like the first lectures? They were very informative and the discussion about Docker was a good review from what I learned (and unfortunately forgot) last year.
- How did you feel about the cold calling? I think the fact that we’re not pressured to know the right answers right away is very comforting. It’s more like having a discussion with Prof. Downing more than anything.
- What made you happy this week? I moved back into the apartment and got to hang out with my friends in Austin again.
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? Since classes have started again, I’ve also started organizing my Google Calendar a lot more, since having to manage all the classes I’m attending and club meetings I have gets challenging in the middle/end of the semester. Using different color codes for each different type of subject has also made my calendar a lot easier to read!
- How much Javascript/Python/SQL/Web programming do you already know? I have a lot of experience with Python, Javascript, HTML, and CSS, and a beginner proficiency with SQL.