CS371p Spring 2022: Week 11

Erika Tan
2 min readApr 10, 2022

CS371p Spring 2022: Week 11

  1. What did you do this past week? On Monday, we did an exercise to implement a stack. On Wednesday, we went over sequential containers such as vector, deque, forward_list, and list, as well as container adapters such as stack, queue, and priority_queue. We then compared and contrasted these data structures and discussed the default backing containers for them. On Friday, we walked through an example of std::string and talked about using the friend keyword.
  2. What’s in your way? I have a project due for my computer graphics class on the same day as the Darwin project is due, so I’m a little worried that this week will be quite busy. Both projects are also partner projects, so I’ll have to make sure that my schedule works for both partners.
  3. What will you do next week? I’ll keep doing the Darwin project with my partner and keep going to class. I will also review the notes before class.
  4. What did you think of Paper 11. More getters and setters? I understand the points that the author made, but it still seems weird to me that this article is going against the majority of CS classes that teach about getters and setters. If they were really that bad, I don’t think the curriculum would be as consistent.
  5. What was your experience of std::queue, std::priority_queue, std::set, and friends? I think I’ve used std::queue and set before, but not really the priority queue (I’ve used it in other languages though). I recognized the friend keyword because it was also in the Allocator project. The explanation on Friday helped me solidify my knowledge about it.
  6. What made you happy this week? I didn’t realize Pluckers had trivia nights on Wednesdays, but I happened to be there for dinner this past Wednesday and spontaneously took part in it with a friend. It was really fun!
  7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? My pick of the week is to be careful about not using the “new” keyword for the Darwin project. We had to find some workarounds for this and go to office hours to ask about it. We also had a bug where each creature in the grid would be pointing to the same creature pointer. So, just be mindful about how you’re storing your creature pointers!

