CS371p Spring 2022: Week 3

- What did you do this past week? We learned about unit tests/coverage on Monday and then did our first HackerRank exercise for this class on Wednesday, where we had to fix a function that checked if a number is prime. I also worked on my Collatz project this past week.
- What’s in your way? Nothing much is in my way anymore, but while I was working on Collatz this past week, it was taking much longer than I thought it would. First, for some weird reason, my code wasn’t passing the HackerRank test cases with the optimizations. After I went to the help session on Wednesday and rewrote my code though, it started working. I’m glad that I started early on the Collatz project now, because there will always be unforeseen errors and coding will more often than not take longer than expected.
- What will you do next week? Since I’m done with Collatz, I don’t think I’ll have much left to do for this class other than attend the lectures and review the material for the quizzes.
- What did you think of Paper #3: Continuous Integration? I remembered reading the paper when I was in Dr. Downing’s SWE class last year, but it was a good review. I do wish that the paper was more recent though, because it mentioned a lot of technologies that we don’t really use anymore, like Subversion instead of Git.
- What was your experience of UnitTests, Coverage, and IsPrime? I was familiar with all of these concepts from past computer science classes already. The syntax for writing unit tests varies from language to language, but the concepts are still the same, so I felt comfortable with the topics this week.
- What made you happy this week? I’m really glad that my power and water stayed on the entire time this year, despite the winter storm warnings. It seems like we got the best case scenario this year, since we got a nice four day weekend and no freezing cold/lack of water and electricity to accompany it!
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? I’m also taking a graphics course this semester and it requires a good foundation of linear algebra, which is something that I unfortunately did not get before taking this class. However, this past week, I found this really good free textbook that I’ve been using as a guide along with the class, and it explains the concepts in a way that’s super easy to understand, and even explains the linear algebra concepts too: https://gabrielgambetta.com/computer-graphics-from-scratch/ It’s made the class a lot less overwhelming!