CS371p Spring 2022: Week 6

- What did you do this past week? We dove deeper into talking about the differences between & and * and the contexts in which you can use them. We also did an activity in class on Wednesday for simulating pre-incrementing and post-incrementing. Finally, on Friday, we went over the const keyword. I also continued working on the Voting project with my partner.
- What’s in your way? This weekend and the last weekend were completely booked, so I’ve had to catch up on work a lot over the weekdays, but other than that, nothing’s really in my way. I think the Voting project also actually went more smoothly than Collatz, which was a pleasant surprise.
- What will you do next week? I’ll finish up the voting project, submit it, go to class, and prepare for the quizzes.
- What did you think of Paper #6: Open-Closed Principle? It was a more dense read than the other papers but I also learned more from it. I liked seeing how it connected to our last paper about the single responsibility principle. I also liked the conversations that my Perusall group had on it.
- What was your experience of arguments, returns, and consts? Especially after all of the content we went through last week, I felt that learning the difference between using * and & for arguments and return values was not too bad. The activity also seemed easier this week than last week. However, I thought the const discussion was a little bit confusing at times, so I think I will need to review that again.
- What made you happy this week? Some friends and I got some impromptu Korean BBQ on Monday night! Even though I had a project coming up soon, letting loose for that one day was really fun and honestly a break that I really needed.
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? My pick of the week is to go outside this week and relax from work if it’s stressing you out, especially since the cold front looks like it’s basically over now. Breaks are super important for mental health and being able to get your work done!