CS373 Spring 2021: Blog 12

- What did you do this past week? I went to class, did the HackerRank activities, and listened to the professor start teaching about SQL this week. My group and I also worked hard to finish Phase 3 of the project on Friday, and thankfully we didn’t have as many hiccups with deployment/implementation this time as the last phase.
- What’s in your way? I think everyone’s hit that point in the semester where motivation is low and we just can’t wait for summer to start. I’ve been having more trouble recently getting motivated to work as hard as I did before, but at least I’m still getting everything done that I need to.
- What will you do next week? My group will be refining our code both on the inside and out for Phase 4 of the project. I’ll also continue attending lecture and hopefully make our website look prettier.
- If you read it, what did you think of the More getters and setters? I’m still confused about why we learn about the practice of implementing getters and setters in computer science classes if they’re actually bad for maintainability as the paper says. But I also didn’t read the paper from last week which was also about getters and setters, so maybe I’m missing some important context. I asked this question in the Perusall document, so hopefully someone will be able to answer it.
- What was your experience of SQL? I’ve had to use it before for this project and for some HackerRanks in past years, but I would always usually forget the syntax right after using it. Going over it again in lecture was a really good review for me.
- What made you happy this week? We finished Phase 3 a few hours early instead of right at the deadline like we did for Phase 2. It was a lot less stressful and I felt very happy when we turned it in.
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? For this phase, I implemented the search mechanism and found this great third party service called Algolia that improved the search speed of our site greatly. Although that phase of the project is now over and we have to focus on refactoring our code now, I’d still highly recommend it for any projects that require search features!