CS373 Spring 2021: Blog 4

- What did you do this past week? I learned about the runtimes and specificities of different types in Python (list, tuple, dictionary, set, frozenset, etc.) Since we finished/turned in Collatz recently, we also went over the description of our upcoming web project on Friday. I started brainstorming some ideas for what the theme of the project would be about.
- What’s in your way? With my course load ramping up now that we’re in the middle of the semester, I hope I’ll be able to get everything done on time and get the most out of this class.
- What will you do next week? I hope to learn who my teammates are soon so we can start planning what to do for the project. I’m not sure what material we’ll be covering next week so I’m just planning on hopefully getting a head start for the project so I don’t fall behind with all the work from my other classes, too.
- If you read it, what did you think of the Pair Programming? Since I did pair programming in 314 and we read a similar paper, all the concepts were really familiar to me and I agree that pair programming is definitely better, more efficient, and more robust than programming by yourself. Although it’s definitely good to be able to code on your own, knowing how to work in a team is also really important and helps you learn a lot about good practices too.
- What was your experience of types? Since I use Python whenever I do interview prep, I have a lot of familiarity with types in Python. However, I thought going over the runtimes of each one was a nice review.
- What made you happy this week? Submitting Collatz and my NLP project was a huge relief because it felt like I was finishing two big assignments.
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? I could not imagine life without Google Calendar! It was incredibly useful while filling out the CATME survey this week because I could easily see all the times I had class and wasn’t available to join team meetings. You can also put things other than events on your calendar, like tasks that you have to finish, so it acts like a to-do list. This will come in handy for the team web project.